Well, I neglected to take pictures of quite a few of my Christmas projects. The embroidery-only ones don't seem worth the time, to me; it takes some thought and taste to pick out the right designs, but not a lot of skill. Forgive me, then, for you'll not see the two bath towel sets I embroidered for Grandpa with anchors and flowers, or the polos I embroidered with Hawaiian themes for my f-i-l, or the other polos I did for Dad with the name of his business. I bought the anchor, morning glory, and tiki patterns from a little spot online called The Embroidery Library; the outline of Hawaii came on the free CD with my Singer; and Dad's business was courtesy of the monogram feature in the Sew What software (which I finally broke down and bought). My favorite feature of Sew What thus far: it uses True Type fonts, I don't have to purchase special fonts for the software. Yay!
Everything turned out fairly well. I learned I should use the same color bobbin as top thread when embroidering text, the narrow fields seem to pull the bobbin thread up more. My poor Singer is now ready for a clean and service.
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